Marnie Stern is currently touring the US and will be in Europe in Nov/Dec in support of her new self titled album. You can figure out when she is playing near you by going on the myspace: . This is our tour blog, we are Marnie (shredder), Nithin (bass), Vince (drums), Courtney (TM), and Fig (wonderpup). We like to talk about disgusting things and take pictures of ourselves because we feel that obviously everyone would be interested in this.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Jasmine from No Joy has been chasing Fig around this whole tour. Finally our little diva surrendered!

Garland from No Joy passed on to Vince one of the best secret weapons for combating drumming-induced perma swass (that's short for swamp ass). Wear swim trunks! Haha!

"What I wouldn't give to lay on this couch with my pants off!" -Nithin

That's as far as they'd let Nithin go.

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