Marnie Stern is currently touring the US and will be in Europe in Nov/Dec in support of her new self titled album. You can figure out when she is playing near you by going on the myspace: . This is our tour blog, we are Marnie (shredder), Nithin (bass), Vince (drums), Courtney (TM), and Fig (wonderpup). We like to talk about disgusting things and take pictures of ourselves because we feel that obviously everyone would be interested in this.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Awwww! Shaggy, homeless Fig before her makeover..

Geno's was too flashy for us. We had Cheese Steaks at Pat's.

Pat's has a plaque in homage to Philadelphia's best local hero:

We didn't think cheese steaks counted as fast food,
but now we think it does..

We played at The First Unitarian Church in Philly. This was the green room.
We prayed to the Vagina gods!
Lord Figgy got her hair did! Look at the bow!! Look at the perfection!!!


  1. I love Philly. Wish you would have been playing next week because that when I'll be there for spring break.

  2. I missed your Philly gig and now I hate myself. I live 10 blocks from Unitarian for fuck's sake, ughhh...
    But I'm happy you enjoyed our city, and hope you did lots of Rocky stuff...

    OOH ALSO weird story - I was walking up the Chestnut St. bridge one night this past winter and this woman who looked JUST LIKE YOU asked me for directions. After giving them, I thought of gong back and asking if her name was Marnie but chickened out. dare i ask? :D
