Macy Gray's dressing room and rider looked like this.
On the other hand, our rider was on the other side of the partition.
Ours consisted of 7 beer bottles and a sugar free red bull
(or SFRB, as Nithin likes to call it).
The only 2 people who came to see up play that night.
Thanks guys, and thanks for the Rodney Dangerfield Simpsons action figure.
We had it on the dash for the rest of the tour!
Fig knows how to Rock And Roll
Vince finally shows a moment of sleepiness while waiting to check in
at the hotel, while the computers "reloaded" at 4:00 am
to let us in for the next day's schedule
Nithin and Susan = Adorability!
Outdoor Austin Halloween Show.
Nithin was the only one of us who dressed up.
He's got the bunny ears, (and a little bunny tail in the back
that you can't see.)
Yessssssss! Take care of Rodney. <3